IT Consulting Services

IT Consulting

IT Consulting Services

captelex provides the Right Resources, at the Right Time which suit your requirements exactly what you are looking for. Here is our recruiting process followed by our dedicated team.

Join the leading placement consultant in the industry

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

Consulting theme is an invaluable partner. Our teams have collaborated to support the growing field of practitioners using collective impact.

Donald Simpson
Chairman, Bluewater Corp

Our Staffing Process

Understanding Your Requirements

In the first step of our staffing process, we will identify the appropriate candidate with the required skills & qualifications, suiting the job profile.

Customized Recruitment Plan

Once you notify your requirements, we develop a tailor-made recruiting plan for you.

Short Listing And Verification Of Candidates

Once we identify a few candidates, we will start with customized interviews to start the short listing process.

Finalizing The Job Offer And Follow-Up

We will also help you with the final job offer, managing negotiations, and securing the signed offer letter from the candidate.

Benefits Of Using Our Staffing Solutions

  • Ability to try-out an employee before hiring
  • Quick way to get employee in without the hassle.
  • Provide experienced trainers for on-the-job training.
  • Flexible professional staffing.
  • Saves time, effort, and money

Join the leading placement consultant in the industry